Enjoy perfect cycling for everyone at Liptov. Find more than 800km routes, "fairy-trails", breathtaking views and wonderful nature, cultural heritage and a lot of fun. Take your bike, family and frieds and enjoy!
Bicycle trails on Liptov
Enjoy perfect cycling at Liptov
Čutkovská Valley – Hrabovská Valley
4,2 km / Sport
The Čutkovská and Hrabovská Valleys are significant tourist locations in Ružomberok. Because of their natural scenic beauty and mountainous character, they are increasingly visited by tourists and citizens of the Ružomberok town. The newly built forest path between these valleys is a good place for discovering their beauties by bike. It is not intended only for mountain hikers, but it also offers a relaxing hike to wide groups of citizens and visitors to the region. The presented mountain trail is an ideal starting point to the Great Fatra ridges and the Skipark Ružomberok winter sports resort.
U dobrého pastiera – Chata kozô
2,1 km / Rekrea
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